The world is changing...
“TV is no longer a single screen in our living room… viewers
now want to choose when, where and how to view live video across a wide breadth
of devices.”
The combination of a mobile device and a built-in HD laser pico projector offers ultimate in mobility… functionality… video viewing and sharing… and the cool factor ownership of an interactive and 3D projector display.
MicroVision unveiled their latest HD Laser pico projector with focus-free touch Interactive and 3D display.
This second generation laser PicoP display engine has higher screen resolutions
than the original. MicroVision describes the PicoP Gen 2 engine and PicoMagic
display applications as “ideal for various consumer and commercial
mobile applications such as entertainment, advanced gaming, business
projection, and education.”
Focus-free touch interactive
displays will allow users to instantly interact with a projected image on any
surface, as well as, create Multiuser applications such as virtual
whiteboards. For business users, touch interactive technology will provide the
convenience to conduct business presentations with only the touch of their
fingertips on a large display surface. Avid mobile gamers would also benefit
from touch interactive technology by interacting with projected images with
high response levels, making mobile gaming more realistic.
This technology is sure to engage
the creative imagination of thousands of app developers, and we can hope to see
many thousand of apps that will be useful in business, entertainment, and
educational field.
Laser PicoP technology could blow away the television
industry as we know it!
Why pay for a big 60 inch TV when you can buy a 50+ lumen HD
PicoP projector embedded in a tablet for one third the price and get 1080p
resolution… and take it with you anywhere you go with an Internet connection? And YES, you get another tablet for the
family on the go.
Could the big TV companies put a kibosh on this PicoP technology? I’ve been following this technology for many years and up until recently no body believed that PicoP technology could pose such a threat leading to the demise of energy guzzling TV. In countries where energy is a precious commodity, countries like India and China, PicoP projectors could see faster and massive adoption.
Think about it!!!
A laser PicoP projector at HD resolution and with built-in WiFi connection would be at less than 5 watts. And you could project 60 inch HD images from six feet away in a small Asian living room. The LED based 60 inch TV would consume over 120 watts... and produce so much wasted heat in hot and humid countries like India and China. Did you know the biggest consumer of electricity is for operating the billion or so TVs around the world?
Could the big TV companies put a kibosh on this PicoP technology? I’ve been following this technology for many years and up until recently no body believed that PicoP technology could pose such a threat leading to the demise of energy guzzling TV. In countries where energy is a precious commodity, countries like India and China, PicoP projectors could see faster and massive adoption.
Think about it!!!
A laser PicoP projector at HD resolution and with built-in WiFi connection would be at less than 5 watts. And you could project 60 inch HD images from six feet away in a small Asian living room. The LED based 60 inch TV would consume over 120 watts... and produce so much wasted heat in hot and humid countries like India and China. Did you know the biggest consumer of electricity is for operating the billion or so TVs around the world?
Large screen energy guzzling TVs are doomed. If nothing
else, the HD PicoP technology would definitely not help their cause.
Just like the iPad and tablet is killing PCs; MicroVision’s
HD PicoP technology is truly disruptive. Imagine in next 36 months; you could
buy a smartphone [or a tablet] with built-in HD PicoP projector shooting 1080p
at 50+ laser lumen. That would definitely hurt TV sales; but they [TV
manufacturers] can not stop this progress. Too many large players want this
technology to grow and flourish.
The market pull is enormous. Once we get clear guidance for
mass produced Diode Green Lasers, it will be a proverbial rocket ride after
that... for companies like MicroVision.
Enjoy the ride… and download some Cognition
Bridge games on your tablet for
fun, brain fitness, and cognitive development for learning in children and for success
in life for adults.
Here’s some links…
Launch Press:
Download Free Game from Play Store:
Download from App Store:
Anant Goel